Thursday, August 23, 2007

funny stories

So, today the 1st graders came in for library time. One of the little girls asked her Chinese teacher "weishenme ta hen pang?" which means in Chinese "Why is she so fat?" ha ha...the little girl couldn't figure out why I had such a big tummy.

The other funny, but embarrassing story...yesterday during lunch, I was in the cafeteria. I had walked over to the counter to put mayo and mustard on my piece of bread for my sandwich. As I was walking back to my table, my bread slid off my plate and right onto and down one of the new students' back. So this poor, new, shy 10th grader had mayo and mustard all over the back of his shirt. I was so embarrassed and apologetic. I blame it on pregnancy and being clumsy.

Here is a picture of our upper school having chapel out on the track. We had a fire in our auditorium the day before school started, so the auditorium is out of use for a few months. Our school body consists of about 50% Koreans, 30% Americans, and 20% other.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

27 week pics

The dogs found a crab out in our yard the other day. The had fun playing with it, although they kept getting snapped at. In the first picture of dogs and crab, you can see the crab ready to get Sophie's ear. He kept snapping them, but they always came back to sniff it and paw at it.
Today was our first day back at school. It was a good first day- busy, but good.
Today marks the first day of my 3rd trimester. I can't believe how quickly the time is going by.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

new crib and dresser

We bought a baby crib and dresser at Ikea last week. Both are solid pine- they smell so good. :) You can see the dogs enjoyed helping. Sophie thought that we had built her a play house. She loved being inside the dresser when the drawers were out.