Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Sick Days

I stayed home yesterday trying to beat this cold. It was so nice to have the day off. I took vitamin C all day, drank lots of tea, and drank some grapefruit juice. I am feeling a little better today, but still not totally healed. I think the best part of yesterday was having my puppy sit with me all day while I read. She weighs 16 kilograms, but she still loves sitting on my lap.

Cheri brought me gummi worms back from America...what a treat. I sure miss gummi worms. Gummi worms and licorice are two things that we can't find here, even at the import stores. Thanks Cheri!!!!


Anonymous said...

Leah, So good to see you. Jon Estes & his new wife are coming to camp on Saturday. It is so good to see you & hear about your lives. Hope you get feeling better. Donna Beight

ashley said...

i didn't know that Jon Estes got married. that's great. is he still in the church in Ohio??

Donna--good to see you blogging. :)