Monday, March 26, 2007


Saturday was beautiful!!! What a blessing. Nate and I rode our scooters into town and did some shopping. After our errands, we stopped at a coffee shop and ordered some refreshing drinks to celebrate the beautiful weather. I had a raspberry italian soda, and Nate had a coconut chocolate chiller. Yum Yum.

I often read a lot of children's books, so that I can recommend books to students. I have really enjoyed Robin McKinley's books. She wrote "The Blue Sword" and the "Hero and the Crown". I recommend her books to girls of all ages, even adults. :)


Foss Flock said...

Glad the nice weather is there also.
Are you going to do a book report on one of those books? :)

Foss Flock said...

Nihow leah you know my birthday is coming up in 4 days. Can you get me a electric scooter for my birthday? LOL
