Monday, May 28, 2007

it's peach season

Peach season is here. There are fresh peaches everywhere. You can only buy certain fruits during certain times of the year here. One of these seasonal fruits is peaches. Right now the fruit markets have baskets and baskets of peaches for sale, but in a few months, there won't be any peaches and some other fruit will be in season. We are at the end of strawberry season (so sad), so we won't see strawberries again until next winter. We can buy apples and oranges year round, although there is definitely an orange season when there are oranges everywhere.
Last night I made freshly squeezed lemonade with a couple frozen strawberries mixed in. It was a nice refreshing drink for the end of a busy hot day.

Our visit with Eric, the Starbucks guy, went great. He seems really nice. He is 32 and has done a lot of travelling in and out of China. He had some fun stories to tell. His parents are originally from Hong Kong, but it sounded like Eric was raised in America. Nate took him to the dog market after lunch to look at dogs. Jenny and I went shopping. :)

Yesterday morning, we left really early for fellowship so that we could attend one of our student's baptism. He got baptized in his apartment complex's swimming pool. It was a nice, small ceremony. After that, Jenny and I went to breakfast and then to fellowship. Nate had a meeting so he couldn't go to the baptism or breakfast. After fellowship, we attended a graduation party for one of our seniors.

Nate leaves for Beijing on June 6 for master's classes. He will be gone the whole month. :( I think Jenny has to go back to America for a family emergency, so I will be all by myself for about 3 weeks. At least my Chinese tutor will be housesitting out in my neighborhood, so I can spend time with her. I will have three dogs also, we are dogsitting for a friend over the summer, so I'm sure I'll stay busy with all those dogs running about. Our poor Bennett dog still has skin problems. Some days his skin is more irritated than other days. It's been worse recently. We don't know what causes it, so we don't know how to treat it.

1 comment:

Foss Flock said...

You could come here for a month. :)
I love peaches & strawberries.
Thank you for keeping us all updated. Enjoy reading your blog.