Saturday, November 03, 2007

38 week pics..and Sophie's stitches (not for the weak of stomach)

You can tell by my attire that it is starting to cool off here. We have to wear multiple layers in the house to keep warm (un-insulated cement walls and tiled floors keep the house nice and cold).
Sophie, our bassett hound, had exploratory surgery last Wednesday looking for the infection that she's had for 5 weeks now. The doctor didn't find any abscesses or cancer, so that's good; but is still a little confused on where exactly the infection is located. She's had a high fever for over a month, and her white blood cell count has been 3x higher than it should be. One of her kidneys was enlarged, so right now we are continuing to treat the problem as a kidney infection. You can see from the picture the large incision, and all the external bruising. Poor thing.

Friday was my last day of work. It seems a little weird to be done, but I'm looking forward to having some time to get stuff done.

My weekly doctor's appointment this morning was fine. Everything is normal. Baby is continuing to grow, her heart beat is normal, my blood pressure and weight is all normal, everything is good. I'm supposed to call my doctor if I start having 20 contractions, painful or not, a day so that they can prepare a room for me. The hospital is so full right now that they don't even have enough rooms for everyone. All the birthing hospitals in Chengdu are super full right now because it is a Golden Year of the especially good luck year which only comes around once every 60 years, so people purposefully have babies in this year. Here is an NPR story that explains it in more detail.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tori pointed me to your blog and it was so neat to see your pictures! I think you actually have your baby by now - congratulations! We're so happy for you and Nate! A baby changes your life in wonderful ways.
God bless - Sally Schrock